Thursday, January 12, 2012

Back on the Grind

I just got back from our 7 day honeymoon at Sandals in St. Lucia. If you don't know (and I didn't until my wife told me) St. Lucia is an island in the Caribbean close to South America. Needless to say, it was warm and awesome. The all-included meals and drinks made sticking to a diet plan difficult, but the fitness centers helped. So did the ridiculous hike we went on. 

You might have seen this on my Facebook page. We hiked up the mountain in the background. It was a 2000 foot vertical climb in an hour and a half. Really intense. 

But we were rewarded for our efforts with some amazing views like this one.

We stayed in a room on the second floor of the second building from the cliff edge. It was really cool.

All considered, it was much needed relaxation, and I was able to maintain my level of fitness, which was my goal. But now it's back to the grind and I'm headed down to Santo Derisi's for some much needed riding. I haven't been able to ride for about 3 weeks, and I'm really pumped to go riding Sunday.

The Mideast Harescramble Series banquet is on Saturday, so I will be heading to that too. I placed 3rd in pro class, so maybe I'll make out with some swag. 

So I'm back in gear with the blog. I should be able to post 3-4 times a week, with anything you guys are interested in. I've gotten some requests for nutrition/fitness program information and how I train. I'll also post some product reviews for you. But let me know what you're interested in hearing about, and I'll post it. Email me at

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