Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Getting Ready to Race

My first race of the season is coming up this weekend, as I mentioned in my last post. So this is the first time this year that I've had to prepare for a race. I've gotten some emails/comments asking what I do to get ready for a race, so here is a post about it. This is a local race, so what I do will be a little different than what I have to do for a GNCC race.

First, I keep my workout and diet plan on course. I don't change anything until two days before a race. I usually eat a pretty balanced diet. I don't carb load during the week like some racers/athletes. But two days before a race, I will start switching to more heavy carb meals. Still healthy with good sources of protein, but more weighted towards carbs.

Typical pre-race food.

The day before a race, I definitely eat a lot of carbs, especially at dinner. Pasta is my favorite meal the night before a race. For local races, I don't focus as much on diet, but definitely for GNCC races. The day of the race, I eat carbs and proteins, usually from PowerBars and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I want refined carbs the day of the race so they digest quickly, and my stomach isn't full when the racing begins, but all my muscles are completely fueled for the race.

I also drink a lot of water before a race, starting two days before. I try to drink 1 gallon of water a day to prepare for a race. I want to be fully hydrated before, since during the race I lose so much water from sweat  that I can't drink enough even with my Camelback to replace it.

I also usually take the day before a race easy with exercise. For GNCC races, I normally just walk or bike the track. For local races, I don't do much if any exercise the day before. I want to make sure my muscles aren't sore or tired for the race. I also try to get a full night's sleep before the race. Sometimes if I'm helping with local race preparations, this isn't possible, but for GNCC's I definitely get a full night's sleep.

Drying my goggles.

As far as preparing my gear goes, I usually wash and prep my goggles with roll-offs and tear-offs the week before a race. I pack my gear bag with everything I need for the weekend. I pack a cooler with the food I want to eat before and after the race, sports drinks, and water. My bike is prepped by Santo Derisi for the GNCCs, but for the locals I sometimes help with the preparation.

If you want to know more about what I do to prepare for a race, let me know in a comment, Facebook or email at


  1. i usually take about 800mg of ibuprofen 30 mins before a race, it seems to take the edge off a little bit when you start getting beat up, give it a try

  2. Hello,
    I have a question about your blog, could you email me?

  3. You can email your question to and I can answer it.
